Valve: Rape Day will not be released on Steam

Someone rebutted that it isn’t a biological issue, simply a cultural one because society encourages this behavior from men against women. Which is completely false and narrow minded.

Men are not biologically more rapey. This isn’t a sweeping generalization I’m making saying “we men have to fight our genetic urges every day to be good!” like my words were originally skewed to sound like. It’s me saying that, the very small percentage of humankind that make up sociopaths, psychopaths and people incapable of empathy, are more often men than women for both cultural reasons as well as biological ones. Something in our heads amongst the select few “evil” of us is just off. Not wired right. Sometimes it’s because of how a person is raised, sometimes they are just born that way. It’s not exclusive to men, but it is heavily weighted towards them

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