Vancouver mayor renews calls on feds, B.C. to cool ‘alarming’ housing market

Let's just get it over with, you're pro-Vancouver and can't regard Calgary as anything more than a shithole conservative wasteland. Just like most of the rest of Canada.

Being from "out east" and also having lived in Alberta I've heard the same shit over, and over, and over again from Vancouverites. Apparently I'm worth less as a person because I'm not originally from Vancouver.

I've never met a bunch of more nervously arrogant, elitist, and passive aggressive people in Canada. And I've fucking lived in Montreal.

I think one of the reasons why you lot are so negative about every other part of the country is that you're nervous about your own failings. You're so obsessed about how others view Vancouver, that you can't actually get your shit together to solve any of your problems, and instead look for the problems elsewhere to feel better about yourselves. Same shit as your right wing oil soaked neighbours next door when times were good, just from a left-wing rather than right-wing perspective. This explains why Vancouverites love to engage in Soviet-style whataboutism.

And before you think I have some special hatred for Vancouver. I moved to this city for a reason. I like the city. I want things to improve here. But I don't think they will in the next 5-10 years. That's why I'm leaving. Come June, I'm out, and unlike ArrachtasOfEire, I'll probably not check this subreddit anymore. Maybe I'll post a followup thing a year or two down the line.

Vancouverites need to spend their time and energy thinking about what they want to be and where they want to go, not just playing up the fact that they aren't like other parts of the country that they don't like.

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