Do you vape juices with diacetyl and acetoin (butter flavor) in it? If so why?

I get that, English is not even my third language. So when no one understands me, it's usually my fault for not choosing my words better.

But with

What is propaganda is that formaldehyde trash that is posted. If you ever look up what happens when you smoke formaldehyde, it causes pcp like highs.

There is not much to misunderstand.

We react to that because it's wrong on many levels.

  • The study with formaldehyde is not trash, the results were legit. Just not the way they were reached. Because for it to form you need to throttle the juice and airflow while upping the power to a level where no human can inhale the results.
  • We do not smoke formaldehyde, if you try, your body will react by throwing up and coughing.
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