Varg's 3rd new youtube channel!

Can I ask you to re read my comment? English is not my mother laungue and I made a shit ton of mistakes that I have corrected.


I'm not here to push people away from the alt-right, Nazism, or the right. In fact I have no problems with the right when it's devoid of the first two things. I'm here to make you so sick of investing your time in arguing for the first two things that you become misanthropes and stop recruiting more young, lonely men to your cause. It's working.

You have wrongfully profiled me. I am not a white nationalist. Not neither agree nor admire varg. He is a very interesting guy but he is fucking crazy. However I find what varg says very interesting and worth of debate. I am not even from Europe.

What you said in your comment before of this one. It really hit me hard. I feel really identified by what you said of young man. And I do worrie some time of me being manipulated some time. So I am really listening to you. And what you are going to say next. Is important for me.

Now this that I am going to say. I may sound harsh. But is not my intention.

This is why I insist on your methods being ineffective. You said that young man are being manipulated by this people. But look at you, you are an old man and instead of making something with meaning. You spend your time trolling and showing profound hate in right wing subs. And you think of yourself as a better person because of it, which its makes me anxious because I fear to end up like you. See it through my eyes. Prove me that this perception is wrong. And prove me that this is not the same impact that you are having on other people.

Now. Maybe now that I have corrected my mistakes. You re read my last comment. And make a more elaborated response.

/r/ThuleanPerspective Thread Parent