I’ve (24F) been dating this guy (23M) for almost 4 months and he still rarely texts me

A text a day keeps the break up at bay. That said...since it bothers you, this might be a break up worthy incompatibility. While your bf isn't wrong to not enjoy texting, since it bothers you, he should, at least once a day. But since he isn't even capable of compromising that much...speaks to how much he actually cares and considers you. I'll also just throw this out in case you were unaware, but from about 2010 all the way back through human history...people did not contact each other every day (even the phone is only 100 years old or so, and even with phone calls, that wouldn't be every day). Used to be you'd have to wait a week or two for mail, and people would write letters. Even further back, you'd have to make a trip on foot for miles to see your love, if they were even that close to begin with. Just saying...

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