I’ve always been a Christian. I still am a Christian. I don’t plan on leaving my faith. I don’t know if this makes me a bad Christian but I don’t think gay people are sick. I’m straight and I’m not questioning myself but I just dont think they are sick

First, how is AIDS not related to homosexual activity when it spreads 100x faster through homosexual sodomy than any other form of sex.

I'm really close to just stopping with you, but no, AIDS doesn't spread faster through homosexual sodomy than any of form of sex. Sodomy (which can and does happen between heterosexual couples) is just as likely there's nothing different about homosexual anal sex.

And you see that you had to pull statistics from the early 90s to confirm your already held belief.

According to this (recent study) LGB people in unaccepting environements have a much lower life expectancy than people in accepting. If this is true, it confirms you statistics (because the 80s/90s were very unaccepting of gay people) and it confirms that you are the cause. You think it's being gay that causes the life expectancy to go down, but it's people like you. 40% of homeless youth are LGBT, you and your morally destitute beliefs are almost exclusively the cause. This is why I don't think society should tolerate people like, why you should be ostracized and treated as a leper, you intentionally inflict harm and ruin lives, you hold no remorse of shame for you evil deeds and I think it's abhorrent. There. I'm done.


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