I’ve been addicted to the Internet since I was 9. Advice on how to move on without it?

Lemme tell you right now, those “mistakes” they screencapped and shared....they’ve done the same shit if not worse my dude. I bet if you went on their accounts you’d find the same kinds of things they posted about you if not worse. Everyone has their dirty laundry and their bullshit and the people that harp on it and bring it out are absolutely utter pieces of shit. I know this, you know this, and luckily your friends know this. The fact your friends were on your side and stayed should show you tho how stupid the bullies were and how petty they were being to the point no one actually cared, hell I bet everyone forgot by now. You have no reason to be ashamed for something that someone did to you like that.

/r/needadvice Thread