I’ve been super depressed lately

I can empathize with your situation and I've been through something similar. It sounds to me like you do want to improve your situation, so if that is the case I'll leave some advice that worked for me.

I'd recommend you look at what do you do in your free time and consider whether those activities help you out of your current situation. I know watching twitch/YouTube and playing games is fun, and I am guilty as well of spending a lot of time on those. Just consider spending a little less time on those and instead investing in your life situation.

You don't like your job? consider spending some time applying for incrementally better jobs (you have 5 years of experience! that must count for something)

You dont have any IRL friends? I know meeting and talking to new people can be hard, I have social anxiety too (I'm assuming you do but if you don't that's great). But the fact is that the probability of making a friend is directly proportional to the amount of new people you talk to. It can be hard to randomly start talking to people at work if you haven't before but if you are able to, consider it, they are probably having a boring day at work just as you. If you want to meet other people consider going to events or doing volunteer work, there's nothing to lose by talking to people there as if things get awkward you can unironically just leave (4Head) and try again some other time.

You don't have a GF? I'd say this basically comes along with making new friends IRL. Once you've made a few friends and learned how to talk to people better, you'll probably meet a cute girl through some mutuals or at an event one day.

You live with your mom? I'll first note that living with your mom isn't the end of the world, and it might be good for you to have someone you can talk to daily. If you really want to and have the savings and extra income to move out, you could find a small apartment.

Hope this helps you. I know it can seem like a lot of work, but just putting aside a few hours a week to work on this can drastically improve your life.

/r/Destiny Thread