I’ve been trying so hard to make myself throw up, but it just won’t work

I have a comment saved about how bulimia isn't the magic solution you can just engage in occasionally: https://www.reddit.com/r/EDAnonymous/comments/radk5w/comment/hni12cc/

For many years, I would binge and then fast/restrict/exercise to compensate. Mostly the first two. Never vomited due to emetophobia. The more posts I read about how binging and purging becomes an addiction, the more grateful I am for my inability to purge that way, because I'm absolutely certain I would end up addicted to how easy it is.

The closest I have come to that feeling was when I had enough time for exercise bulimia. The pull to eat was way stronger than it ever was precisely because it felt "easy" to spend the rest of my day running it off, even through the moments of suffering. But eventually, more often than not, I'd hesitate to binge because of how much time my compensatory behaviors take. Vomiting is immediate. Which makes it all the more dangerous. I think that in your mind, you see purging as something you can just do occasionally to get rid of the extra calories and then you'll be on your way eating normally again for a period of time. But it doesn't work that way. You end up a slave to your own mind. Instead of going to your classes or work, you decide to stay at home because you can't stop wanting food and there are no barriers to eating since you can j

/r/EDAnonymous Thread