I’ve been “working” at a job for 7 months with no boss and no work to do.

It’s my 4th day of my first IT job. It’s in a hospital actually and the fucking network crashed this morning for the first time in like a decade. Everybody was running around like a chicken with their head cut off. Me and the other new girl had absolutely no idea how to remotely help them and would just be a burden if we got in their way.

The director of IT went into beast mode and was putting out fires everywhere. Watching him work literally looked like one of those cringe hacking scenes from movies except it was real. Just nonstop inputting command after command, switching to google reading something for like 2 seconds, writes a million more lines of commands all while multitasking 10 softwares that look like alien hieroglyphs to me.

I knew i didn’t know a lot but now i realize i don’t know shit. it’s cool though - i’m excited to learn.

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