I’ve reviewed 1,000+ good (and bad) resumes. Here are my tips on perfecting yours.

Can you remove any reference to the company you co-founded? I’d like to approve this and sticky it for a few days, but we have a strict non-solicitation/advertising policy on /r/jobs.

Remove this from your first paragraph:

(Novoresume, if you’ve heard of us)

I don’t particularly agree with this, especially if you’re using tables or exporting to PDF.

If you’re using Word, your resume layout gets completely messed up if you make a tiny change to it.

Along with this comment:

Use a resume builder. Don’t want to toot my own horn, but you’re really making your life a pain if you’re using Illustrator or Word.

It comes across as self-promotion. That’s a big no-no here.

If you want to talk about formatting best practices, I’m cool with that. I’m not cool with you pushing a service that you have a vested interest in.

Respond back to this comment, or message the mods once you’ve made your changes. Thank you!

/r/jobs Thread