Vegans are also responsible for the death of animals although they do not eat meat so why do they think they are morally superior?

"Morally superior" - our only goal is to minimize the suffering and killing of animals, YOU can call the difference between vegans and non-vegans what you want.

A better question is whether it is right to constantly attack vegans for something. We have chosen a diet with the least impact on animals (and it would be even less if farmers followed similar values like vegans), we avoid animal products, products tested on animals, many of us try to be as ecological as possible, we try to improve, we educate others and some vegans do even more. It requires a lot of time and energy and we try our best in a world where we are in a minority of 99 to 1, where most people don't care or even go against us.

So why do you focus you energy on those who do the maximum, instead of on those who do nothing? What is this post really about, about (not)calling someone morally superior? - vegans are not interested in that. Effects of plant production is also important topic, what food sources to avoid, how to improve it, etc., but if you really care about animals, then you should first (or also) think about how many animals suffer and die in livestock production, in what conditions do they live, what does it entail, how much land it requires, what impact does it have on whole environment.

/r/DebateAVegan Thread