Vegas shooting does not add up. Please share your thoughts...

My conspiracy theory is way different. Who have we been fighting proxy wars with for decades? What country has been infiltrating America's election, social media, and cyber security? What country is run by a KGB oligarch that controls the media and kills his enemies? What country takes pride in their ability to cheat they system and get away with it? To commit horrific acts and get away with it? Russia.

I know. Russia is a nothing-burger. The piss dossier, the constant Fake News on Russia, the shills that are all over every social media platform, and the populist presidents followers that feel the constant need to defend Trump and call the Russian investigation crap. Now, a good portion of the country automatically hears "Russia" and thinks it's a joke and they don't take it seriously. But here is my thing:

A conspiracy needs as few people as possible to be involved and the ones who are involved have to really be loyal. Putin will kill and jail people. The KGB had pulled off insane shit, like the switching of the urine to pass doping test. If they can pull off all the other crazy shit they have, why couldn't they make a patsy? I don't trust the government, but ours is so large that while they may be able to divide and conquer by running on the same platforms forever, there are too many of them to be able to keep up with it all. Do I think the 1% are up to no good and would love to beef up security and have the citizens have less access to weapons for when the shit finally hits the fan and they want a fighting chance? Of course. But who would love even more to have less Americans own guns? Probably a country that wants to destabilize us and other countries, have us start a World War, and then know they had a chance to Red Dawn us on our own soil while US troops are busy fighting somewhere else. Unfortunately, Americans believe that no one would ever be able to attack us at home and most of them don't know or have forgotten that we have been fighting Russia forever in various ways. I have other ideas, but I totally think they have a better chance of setting this whole thing up than the FBI does.

/r/conspiracy Thread