Vehicle robbed at a police contracted impound lot

The vehicle was impounded following the suspension of my licence along with a stunt driving charge which got dropped. I was then told the licence suspension was now an “administrative suspension” and that basically means it’s not relevant/valid because the i never got the stunt ticket on my record and it got dropped. The car had damages which was repaired after the car was retrieved from the impound lot. Insurance is not aware that it was previously impounded and my licence was suspended because I got it all dropped. I do not want to go back to insurance because there’s already the claim from before that’s going to increase and also the fact that they can’t know the car was impounded because the charge that caused the impound was later dropped. I’m trying to get the lot to pay me for the items that were stolen from my car in their lot. I’m just curious regarding civil laws and if that the impound lot would be liable for this activity happening on their property.

TLDR can’t have insurance involved after just closing a claim with them, just wondering if there are civil laws against impounding business where if something is stolen on their property they can be held liable. Thanks.

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