Vehicles shouldn't be able to reach speeds of over 100 MPH

Comments being insults are kinda unnecessary since it's literally unpopular opinions...

Because its not an opinion. There is no "max speed limit", so OPs whole "opinion" just falls apart right then and there. Further their have no understanding of what 'speed limits' are, what they are for, how they are decided, let alone how they are actually enforced. For example, it is well established that posted speed limits have very limit affect of how fast people actually go. This has a domino effect on to the de facto enforcement standards.

So while OP is spewing this nonsense, the roads are designed for 80mp+, many cars are designed for 80mph+, people are going 80mph+ and the cops aren't pulling anyone over doing 80mph+. Literally the only person who doesn't grasp that the 75 on the sign means nothing, is op.

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