The vendors need a rethink any ideas?

I get you! For me it seems like whenever I need something, or really want something, no one has it. Of course, I can remember all the times someone did and I ignored it, or the one camp I came across had it but I thought the price was too high. Then, after I finally get the thing, its like everyone has it for sale, and cheaper than I paid. I blame it on the luck of the server.

My personal issue has been with how to set prices at my own camp---I have three-star legendaries with nice effects, but they're weird items, like golf clubs or pipe pistols, and I've found that no one wants them unless I make the price ridiculously cheap (like 300 caps for a 3-star item). I wonder if some of this is that the item is also level 50, and by the time you're able to use it, you've built a character that's well past pipe pistols and basic melee devices. I'm reluctant to down-sell an item (like the golf club) because it devalues the other three-stars that should be more expensive.

I'd love to see a feature in our vendors like "Sales" or "Sale Items" or "Discounted Items"--something like that lets you sell an item below value without negatively affecting buyer psychology against other similar items.

I'd also love to see something in the map that better defines what items a vendor has. For example, I've wasted hundreds of caps flitting around the map looking for diffused stimpaks because a camps only list "stimpak" on the map, and no diluted, or super, or diffuser, and so on.

/r/fo76FilthyCasuals Thread