Vents Wednesday: Weekly thread for vents

The Bay Area and oakland in particular is absolutely unbelievable in the amount of security theater. One of my activities that I’m doing there requires the following of everybody:

Full vaxx Masks both inside and outside while on the property (but you can take your mask off as soon as you step on the actual sidewalk. Clown world). If you can’t wear a mask (like if you’re eating) you need a face shield, even though it’s outside Filling out a health questionnaire every single time you show up

At an orientation call last night I lost count of the number of times I heard them say “dELtA vAriAnT” and “neW nOrMaL.”

Everyone in it is from Oakland so this doesn’t surprise me one bit. Seriously the theater will probably never end here. And before anyone suggests I drop out I’ve been doing this for years and have already paid a four figure deposit for it so it’s not an option.

/r/LockdownSkepticism Thread