Venus, Me, digital, 2019

This is awesome! Nice work. I like it.

Interestingly, I couldn't help but notice how the yellow background color is reminiscent of the actual skyline color of the planet Venus!

Thus, the only improvement I--as a bit of a space-geek--could recommend is that maybe you can add a silvery-yellowish-disc in the top left, to symbolize the planet Venus?!

That might just be the icing on the cake that takes your work over the top!

Or I could be wrong, and you should just leave it as is...

Either way, one way to check might be to paint a test-Venus disc on paper, and then place the paper on the top left, and see how it looks. If it looks awesome, then you could always add a planet-Venus into the pic.

But if it ends up looking cheesy or wrong, then just ignore my suggestion!

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