I find it very difficult to argue. I find it difficult to be socially acceptable. I have no preference for anything anymore. What do you guy think about these statements?

Nihilism is a good thing. All it means is that nobody is the boss of you. You are off limits. Your views and ideas are equal to all others and there's nothing anybody can do about it.

"Worthlessness" is a value. Just because it's low doesn't mean it isn't a value. Nothing is worthless. Worthlessness, like superiority, inferiority, good and bad is a value and there isn't any objective value.

Yes, you are no greater than the worst but, you are also no less than the best!

Geez - I think what pisses people off about nihilism isn't the lack of value but the lack of the possibility of ever claiming superiority. Or the lack of superiority in others, as in the lack of a viable authority.

Nobody is in charge. This is a planet in a solar system in a galaxy in the universe and nobody is in charge.

I think the best way to deal with it is to go back to your childhood - before the indoctrination and before those who want you to believe they have authority over you convinced you to relinquish your freedom. Go back to that point and take your stand on the one thing every child wants - the fact that nobody is the boss of you.

You're not a child anymore. You don't have to erase and do those years over. All you have to do is go back to that time and take the other path. The one you gave up on. The one they convinced you to not take.

Most people spend their whole lives trying to get out of the pickle that whatever given "authority" convinced them to get into. Most think they need an empire and a lot of money and to be the boss of others to do that but you don't. All you need is the understanding that nobody is the boss of you. Nobody has ever been the boss of you. It's everybody's dream come true. YOu be your boss and let everyone else be their own boss and when they come at you, tell them no thanks and to go boss themselves because you're off limits.

/r/nihilism Thread