I get very easily stimmed out by caffeine amd LSD is almost too stimulating. Will 2C-B or DOM be too much?

Im a tiny girl barely 105 I get wired for sound on caffeine very sensitive to it. I tried 2CI and 2cb half a capsule and I had an extremely pleasant time I think yes if ur stimulated highly by caffeine u will be with these brothers. It's an in depth high very deep but very uplifting and clean feeling, I have tried shrooms, mescaline and acid and tbh I liked my 2's better I've also tried pure dpt dmp and peyote. Acid is a very heavy high very chemically feeling where as dpt dmt 2CI and 2cb are I would say easy beginner psychedelics from what I remember 2CI and 2cb were created for soldiers to go to war and be less afraid, fight harder, ease anxiety but were banned and proven ineffective. They are experimental drugs made to alter the mind to engage fearlessly and shut down logic receptors that may cause you to be hesitant and cautious. You see colours and hear sounds more vividly your moods are uplifted laughing, touch is altered. Your ability to comprehend may also be effected I remember I couldn't wrap my head around the concept of friends random people who decide they like u and want to spend time with u and it made me question societies structure and religion i felt I had this higher potential I had to live up to motivated to advance more in life. Yeah I would totally say go for it you will be highly stimulated but I always say where you trip determines how u trip do it in a comfortable place ur familiar with and put ur phone away so you don't accidentally call your mom and gush about how you can see all the colours in your white walls and if things get too overwhelming change things up diff music more or less lighting a different room or even outside, take a bath , look at photos of past events , draw paint with ur hands and feet , wrap urself in a fuzzy blanket , shower is a big one, remind urself ur goal was to have fun and don't forget to drink water it helps with the come down as many experience head aches from dehydration as your body is working harder to filter out the drugs. So overall yes you're probably going to be sensitive to it, lower tolerance but that doesn't mean it will be less tolerable in fact I found it to be benefiting, more fun as it's a great high. I would add one more thing : I stay away from acid because I'm effected easily by drugs it gives a very heavy chemically high that can be overwhelming. Then again even though I know it doesn't take much to feel the effects of drugs I always take lots because go big or go home if ur gonna go on a trip why hold back ur only disappointing urself thats like winning 1mill but only taking 500,000 lol it's fun so be not afraid of the fact ur more sensitive means u will enjoy ur more and trust me those tips I gave will help u level if u become over stimulated . Don't think too much into it u can sych urself out or cause urself a bad trip if u try to be too controlling ur going to alter ur reality everything around u will change but it's fun and temporary so relax man smoke a joint see u on the other side. One more thing do it on a weekend when u don't have to work the next day , when u come down ur gonna want time to reflect and level out again tripping on psychedelics then trying to work the next day haha so not fun talk about reality check

/r/Drugs Thread