Very novice jumper here. What do I need to focus on improving?

Step 1 choose one medium sized table top you can hit kvetch and over again.

Step 2:buy/try a dirt jumper for this area, or at least see if someone has a 27.5; a 29er is not a bike to learn how to jump on. 29er wheels tend to roll over vs jump and take more effort to pop off the lip, which your biggest Issue is rolling lips.

Step 3: practice popping off lips of jumps. You are just rolling the jumps (no thanks in part to big wheels). You need to pop, go practice bunny hops and imagine the same motion of bunny hopping while going up and off the lip. Pull up bars, lean back, tuck in feet and pull up rear wheels.

Step 4: add more speed when you do larger or longer jumps (careful with a 29er dependent on jump size endos tend to happen).

Not trying to trash talk 29ers, great reasons for them but a big reason they are great is they roll over/soak small things up including jumps and rollers.

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