A very reasonable explanation

It's easy to forget that not everyone hates the same things you hate, and vice versa.

For example, my wife just can't stand changing the cat's litter box. It doesn't bother me at all. On the other hand she doesn't mind folding clothes while she watches TV but for me that's one of the most tedious jobs in the house.

She doesn't mind mowing the lawn, but I really enjoy it so I usually do it. I do the child care all week, so it's nice for me to have an hour on the weekend to just zone in on a project. She handles the child care while I do that.

Then there's some things we both hate, like cleaning the baseboards and deep cleaning the house in general. So we have a maid that comes every two weeks and knocks that out for us.

Point being, just talk to your spouse. You might be able to come up with a really beneficial arrangement for both of you. But nothing can default to either person - all of the chores are everyone's responsibility, and you need to figure out how to best handle it as a team.

/r/MurderedByWords Thread Link - i.redd.it