Very tired, and angry

Thank you for this people will tear you apart for this but it’s just reality. Maybe people our age get it because we know how the world works. Sky is not a game where you can own everything you will make yourself poor and exhausted trying. You should only be working towards items and cosmetics you actually intend to use and enjoy using all the time. So if you Love cats and think you’d spend hours and hours in your cat cape with your cat hair and your cat backpack it’ll all be worth it, but if you want it just for halloween it’s not worth it. I don’t really participate heavily in seasons because until the aurora season they weren’t for me but lots of players tire themselves out wanting it all but aurora I know will be worth the time for me because I think all the outfits are beautiful

Players need to learn to save money and focus it on only a few specific things and accept you can only buy a few things and make the most of it. If you can’t afford it sucks but that’s the way it is

/r/SkyChildrenOfLight Thread Parent