It's very weird indeed

Yeah, these are all Catholic things except for the animal sacrifices. Easter and Christmas were created by Catholics to more readily convert pagans who had holidays on these days already. Catholics even moved the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday to be in line with the sun worshipers. Animal sacrifices are Old Testament (ie Jewish faith), Christians aren’t compelled to do that due to the change in rules with the new covenant (the whole reason Jesus was sacrificed was so they’d stop needing to do sacrifices to cleanse sins). The sabbath should still be on Saturday, Easter and Christmas should not be celebrated on the pagan days they coincide with and Christians should not be practicing witchcraft/divination. Most Christians practicing these simply don’t know the context around them/don’t think it matters since they don’t associate them in their minds. To quote the fresh prince: “They a little confused, but they got he spirit”

While on the subject of witchcraft and astrology. You shouldn’t take part and if you do you are naive, arrogant and just kinda dumb. If we are gonna operate on the assumption that this is true, and their are various entities existing in some sort of spiritual realm. Why on earth do you think you’re just gonna take some shrooms and walk in like you own the place? You don’t think that you, the lowest possible being on the ethereal food chain so to speak is not going to be preyed upon and deceived? In college I saw so many people say things like “a spirit guide showed me my purpose”. And I’m listening just thinking “oh, clearly you don’t know a demon when you see one, did they offer you an apple as well?”. The more you practice occult ritualism the further you get sucked in and the more confident you feel with your attempts at meandering around spiritual realities. Look at Aleister Crowley, he’s regarded as the most knowledgeable person in the occult and he self admittedly had no clue what he’s doing most of the time, he’s even said he’s probably let loose “demons” in botched sealing rituals etc.

Basically if your a legitimately a witch, Christians think you’re dumb because you claim to have knowledge in something you really don’t understand.

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