Verysmart man with no degree kindly allows his retarded scientist wife to keep her job.

To be fair, I was talking about "people who claim to be so smart."

You make good points about verysmarts and gifted people. I've experienced a clash of the "verysmarts" and the "gifted" before.

I have experienced people performing so horribly in a 6-month group project that I've almost gone insane. It was hilarious seeing some members trying to become leaders during meetings for no reason because they were too focused on flapping their mouths (somewhat verysmart behavior), when no one's role was to lead but the instructor. Even then, he was only supposed to guide us.

So much shit came out of the project that I didn't want to deal with it anymore when cleaning up the shit had to be done by the instructor after the course was over. I'm not gifted at all and have much to learn but it was like a bad dream. I felt bad but I was completely done at that point after having the only quality material (that sounds conceited as hell but everything else was either directly from templates or very VERY poorly made). I probably missed a very good opportunity by not helping later but what's done is done.

To be fair to them, they all excelled really well with people skills, which I had a really hard time with when I was forced to give small speech announcements to several groups about the project. Didn't want to seem lazy for not doing it even though I'm bad with stuff like that 99% of the time.

It was definitely a learning experience and there were some good experiences that came out of it all. Maybe it was better than being in a group of people all WAY better than me (which was a high possibility at the school I was at).

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