Veteran dies of treatable illness as COVID fills hospital beds, leaving doctors "playing musical chairs"

As a hospital doctor in a large metro area with a covid surge, max capacity, treating them every day its hard to deal with those patients but unfortunately we are well versed in this shit. Imagine how bad you feel for retail workers having to deal with the general public then extrapolate it to healthcare workers who have to deal with karens when they're sick and even more irritable, drug addicts and drug seekers, homeless, and the rest of the population in general and now covid idiots. I can't remember the last day working where I wasn't verbally assaulted, threatened with physical violence, or threatened with a lawsuit and this predates covid. All while trying to provide the best care I absolutely could. Shit is exhausting but we just move on. Not to mention dealing with dying patients and end of life care daily. And then people wonder why doctors have such high suicide rates.

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