Vice President of Versace Sneaker and Men's Footwear Division racially profiled in Beverly Hills while shopping

I have a question maybe someone can answer and PLEASE don’t hate on me or be mean to me it’s a genuine thing I’m trying to sort out.

I used to work at Safeway, and it included a lot of loss prevention. We did (and they do) a LOT of racial profiling. But here’s the thing; literally 90%+ of the people who would come in and steal were black. So yes, when some black dude comes in doing his best to look gangster and without a cart or basket started making moves toward the liquor aisle our cameras were on him immediately and no shit 100% of the time that racially profiled individual would move in and attempt to steal. Every. Time.

So how am I or anyone supposed to reconcile the obvious BS in racial profiling with the fact that so many of the shoplifters are black? How am I supposed to do the right thing in a situation like that when I can’t even identify what the right thing is...

Totally not at all a racist person if that makes any difference..and I’m sorry in advance if this is just really stupid or offends you...

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