Vicious Cycle

Yesterday went like this: Me: Hey baby, will you listen to a podcast with me… it’s about sexual frustration/rejection. I just figured since you don’t want to talk about it maybe it will be easier for you to listen to other people talk about it and maybe you will understand where I’m coming from

Him: no. I really don’t want to.

Me: i don’t know what to say other than I can’t stay married to you because you obviously don’t care and have put forth zero effort

Him: okay fine then I’ll listen to the podcast

Him while the podcast is playing: arms crossed, staring wide eyed at the wall, looks bored

Me afterwards: so what do you think? Did you learn anything from hearing all the different perspectives? Do you understand where I’m coming from?

Him: I don’t know

Me: dies internally

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread Parent