A video about PETA

Humans are omnivores. The only compromise I can find with vegans is that I do believe we should cut back on meat consumption as a global society. Simple things like limiting the sales of meat to 3 days of the week (meat expires quickly so this would reduce need and waste) could greatly aid in the wellness of farm animals. That said, and don't forget this, we are animals. And animals often eat other animals. Meat is a valuable part of a healthy diet when eaten in moderation, and there is nothing wrong with eating meat. It's fine and all to love animals, i find most people love animals. But to say that another human being is "evil" because, like an animal they eat animals, is senseless, illogical, and inflammatory. It's the main reason people hate so many vegans. We don't hate animals, we hate the holier than thou BS. Vegans act like a radical religion, and I'd appreciate you not going out of your way to come to my doorstep to tell me I'm going to hell like a Jehovah's witness practitioner.

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