This video is pretty much what made me move to Thailand

so you agree that sex tourism should be eradicated from Thailand?

I'm not completely sure who you would go about eliminating "sex tourism." How do you propose to do that? Put a microchip into every single tourist that comes into Thailand and then, if they visit a red light district, go and bust them for it?

Do you just question every single farang that comes in the country and ask, "Are you going to exchange money for sex while you're here at any point?" and if they say "no" you just trust them?

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with this line of reasoning.

the systematic exploitation of very poor women by comparatively rich men

I don't really think that's the case. The amount of foreigners (farang) that come to Thailand strictly to have sex with hookers is relatively low compared to the amount of locals that have sex with prostitutes.

You make it sound like that only girls becoming prostitutes are girls looking to make money off of comparatively wealthier foreigners, which is simply not true. In fact, for the majority, this is not true.

If you would continue with this line of reasoning, you would also have to fault local Thais, which I don't think you're doing.

Are you somehow insinuating that it is OK for old fat men to be having sex with girls that are young enough to be their daughters?

What a woman decides to do with her body is up to her.

I'm guessing youre OK with child sex trafficking too?

I'm fairly certain only a sociopath would be okay with that.

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