Video of San Francisco Security Guard Fighting with Skateboarders before falling and suffering brain damage

This shit sucks to see on so many levels. Coming from a skateboarder that also works full time as a night shift Security Officer, it really sucks to see both sides of this unfold the way it did. The actions of those skaters are exactly the kind of thing that gives every fucking Joe Schmo who thinks he knows something, ONE MORE reason to talk shit about skateboarding & us godforsaken "skater punks". Watching this asshole beat up a security guard is like the epitome of every time they've ever been mad at somebody who also happened to ride a skateboard, & then they feel oh so justified when they talk shit about skateboarding, like everybody in the world that rides a board is some young asshole that's swinging skateboards at people's heads. Stupid shit like this does such a disservice to how skateboarding is viewed, even though it's completely skewed from the rest of skateboarding. The fact of the matter is, how often do you hear about skateboarding on televised news? Very rarely, most people who don't skate or aren't connected to skateboarding, don't see the thousands of awesome people that do awesome things each & every day, who also ride skateboards. They just see that news clip of some asshole with the word skateboard in the headline, & then boom, skateboarders are just punks in their eyes. After having worked security for almost 5 years now, even though I've been skating for longer, I know that it's inevitable that you're eventually going to get kicked out of somewhere that people don't want you. That's just part of the game if you're trying to skate anything on private property, you pretty much go into places like that expecting to get kicked out at some point, it's just a matter of time, a given if you will. But unfortunately, there's also a ridiculous amount of asshole power tripping Security Officers out there, believe me, I work with some of them. I also happen to run into a lot of them when I'm out skating in day to day, but they have no clue that I just got done working the last 8-12hrs doing the exact same shit somewhere, they just see some dude with a board, even when I am beyond reasonable with them. I'm definitely not saying anything about the security in this video, because he undoubtedly got done dirty. But I can think of more than 10 occasions where I was out skating, usually by myself, & I noticed that Security or some other employee was going to ask me to leave & they went about it all kinds of crazy. These days, I just usually start packing my stuff up & happily tell them that I'm on my way out without causing any kind of scene, saying I know they're just doing what they have to do, yada yada. But on more than 10 separate occasions over the years I have been harassed by ridiculous ass security guards that came at me all kinds of crazy, even trying to steal my board when I was 100% calm & compliant & already walking off the property before they ever confronted me. So it can definitely come from both sides, it's always funny watching somebody realize how out of line they are acting when I explain to them that I spent my entire night doing the same exact shit, with the same protocol, & explain in proper terms how they have fucked up. All in all, this shit sucks to see. That guy is an asshole, & so are all of these people in the comments saying "I used to skate Bro, but now I'm such a better example of a human, blah fucking blah". This is another isolated incident of an asshole doing asshole things.

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