This video was taken minutes after the terrorist attack in Waukesha. Multiple deaths after an SUV plowed through a group of 9-15 year olds marching in a Christmas parade.

This is so fucked up to say. You are already giving the driver the benefit of the doubt? If you're being chased you're definitely not going to take your time driving through a parade surrounded by law enforcement. Police would have been behind the car already, attempting to evacuate, and the driver would not have gotten into the entrance in the first place. He drove by LE and sped up as he got to the crowded area of the parade with people on foot, hit CHILDREN, and then continued to accelerate.

They sent out a swat team right afterwards because it has been an ongoing situation. To say this person had no other choice but to run people over in the streets while their families watched is absolutely fucking sadistic.

I don't care what side you're on politically - this is some nazi sympathizer bullshit. INNOCENT PEOPLE DIED. CHILDREN WERE MURDERED. And you're rushing to give this person benefit of the doubt? Save that for the defense attorney. But more importantly, go fuck yourself.

I sincerely hope you get a papercut between every single one of your fingers, and splinters under your nails because you are a downright disgusting human being.

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