VideoGameAttorney here to answer questions about fair use, copyright, or whatever the heck else you want to know!

Thanks for doing this and all that you've done in the past with 'helping the little guy'. My question is long, but here it goes: Where do you think "" and similar 'content creators' on YouTube stands? What watchmojo mostly does is do 'top 10' lists, like for instance 'top 10 horror movies' and then they take footage from movies (sometimes several minutes of footage from each movie) and they speak over small parts of the movie footage.

So what makes what they do, any different to what a 'lets player' does? Putting your voice over a movie (which you have no involvement in), is arguably less transformative than putting your voice over game footage (which you at least are playing and involved with). Yet many, many, many 'lets players' are having their videos claimed and taken down, over not only the footage of the game, but also the audio/music in the game.

So, I guess my point is, that there is very, very little 'equality' on YouTube (and other platforms) it seems? And also, most 'lets players' are basically forced to join a MCN (multi channel network) on youtube, because they SOMEHOW manage to fight off copyright-claims and takedowns like it's going out of fashion. How do they manage to do that, yet all that a solo youtuber can do, is file a single counter-claim, and then if that gets denied (which it nearly always does, since the copyright-claimant KNOWS that you won't take it to court) then there's nothing more the solo-youtuber can do about it.

So, in-summation, why is YouTube's copyright-claim system SO broken, after 10 years still (since YouTube was founded)? Or is it not YouTube who is at fault, and the cause of all of the in-equality and copyright-claim crap? Thanks for your time

/r/IAmA Thread