Videos Distinguishing DID and Tulpa experiences

Oh get off your high horse, the dude came here to get some feedback for his videos, he's actually making an effort to properly portray DID and is asking us, the people who have DID, to help him out, he's discussing DID in that regard so he isn't breaking any rules.

Oh and cultural appropriation, really man? Do you honestly think that term means anything? I mean the dude explained very clearly that it isn't a part of the culture of Tibeten Buddhists and he even provided a link to back it up, you've done nothing but act like the dude is ignorant and insensitive when all he's done is try to get some feedback and discuss things with people on the sub.

Now I do want to say this, even if this phenomenon did originate from Tibeten culture who cares if people that aren't Tibeten Buddhists and don't understand all of the little nuances and might tweakittle buts of the culture or "Americanize" it or whatever, but let's say that's where it came from and it's being appropriated, at the end of the day who gives a damn?

No one is being hurt and people of one culture taking things from other cultures and adding these things to their own culture with their own culture's twist on it is a good thing not a bad thing, having people open to other cultures means people get along better and don't see some cultural quirk as freakish or weird but as just a regular thing, so just stop with the cultural appropriation crap you're trying to push down people's throats.

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