Vietnamese Grandma, 80, Hit With Rocks and Temporarily Blinded By Teens in Ontario

I had a friend-ish relationship with my parents while growing up and was a teenager people dream of having... School was finished early enough that at 3pm I was taking a nap at home, I would start making stuff for supper when my parents called to tell me what to do before leaving work, I had good grades, instead of being out doing God knows what I would invite my friends over...

Meanwhile my brother was a real pain, in primary school he would sometimes go hang out with his friends after school and not come back until 10pm without letting my parents know where he was (and telling him he wasn't allowed to do that didn't work since obviously school finishes before normal work hours), he refused to do any chores and at 16 he just left to move with his friends 200km away because he got angry when my mother disciplined him... Luckily he soon realised that moving with his friend at his mother's wouldn't mean he wouldn't have to do stuff around the house and that it was much harder to argue when you're renting a room instead of living in your own parents' basement! He turned out great in the end (I would even say better than me l, but it took a while for him to finally find what he wanted to do, he settled down at 30 whereas I had already been working my long term job for 7 years at that point in my life...

It's not all about parents not doing discipline, some kids are just smarter then others, I don't think it's fair to put that weight on their parents' shoulders.

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