Violently attacked a female predator in self defense

Justified. Predators use your sense of politeness and social proprietary to manipulate your reaction to their inappropriate advances. Doesn’t matter if she was hurt, doesn’t matter if she cried, doesn’t mater if she was pitiful as hell, sexual harassment and abuse is intolerable. Likewise, the abuser being a female doesn’t matter. I had an experience with an older, manipulative woman in the past, and she used her tears to appeal to my inner desire not to cause pain or sadness in another person. Emotional manipulation and abuse were common and so difficult to explain, because it was undercurrent and difficult for the average person to see. I tried to break up with her 3 times and she was able to get me to “reconsider and work on our relationship” after giving me excuses as to why I shouldn’t leave and why she needed me or whatever.

My father also has issues with discussing any past abuse. I love him so much, but he didn’t know how to react at all when I told him. In fact, he responded with some anger because he felt that I was blaming him for not protecting me. Often, he try’s to downplay my experiences because he internally didn’t want to believe it was as bad as it was, because that means he didn’t intervene to stop it. It’s so complex, and you will probably find that he will never truly respond the way you want him too. Just try to suss out his true intent from the words he does say, because love and the desire to protect is most likely coming out in unusual ways.

/r/confession Thread