Virginia basketball coach Tony Bennett speaking in 2016 about the Biblical principles guiding his program. On Monday night, they won the National Championship.

The issue wasnt sharing it. The issue was it seemed like you were saying hey look he is Christian and now he had success. There is an issue of gospel of prosperity heresy in some areas which is basically best explained as reducing God into a cosmic vending machine. In that if you have enough faith you get what you want, if you don't get it you must lack faith. You see this in some circles which is way people respond to your post with skepticism.

You can discuss the role of having faith and being the coach of a bunch of young adults. That's fine and a good discussion. But its seemingly different than what your title implied. Getting criticized because you seemingly suggested a form of gospel of prosperity (likely not on purpose) isn't people being ugly. None of the comments here were particular harsh.

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