Visible pain

This is spousal abuse. People make mistakes, sometimes at something obvious like this too. Turning it into an all out verbal attack is the wrong reaction. She honed in on his intelligence, probably because she knows he's sensitive to that. And you all can downvote me, laugh, call me a pussy, but I live with this every. fucking. day. I can't tell you how much I see my wife in this woman. Just yesterday I was screamed at because I finished the rest of the milk. She said I was fat, my nipples are huge, called me an idiot for not seeing how obvious it all was. She keeps pushing me into applying for jobs I know I'm not qualified for. I've bombed two interviews in the past 2 weeks. I don't even know how I'm going to tell her about this last one, she damn near screamed me out of the house over the first one. I'd fuckin kill myself but I have a son I have to take care of.

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