Void Linux is great!

But how are developers supposed to automate this? To stick to the examples you gave:


Is mount /dev/sda1 /mnt sufficient or does the user want to install /home and /boot on extra partitions (for example, /home is always on an extra partition for me)?


Is base sufficient or should base-devel also be installed? Other groups / packages can also be installed via pacstrap. How should this be solved?

-install bootloader

I use Arch on several computers. However I use Grub, syslinux or systemd-boot depending on the machine. Again, there is no general solution.

You are saying like you never used installers. Look at Void, Slackware, FreeBSD and OpenBSD. Users always can install what they want l8r part. Be it base-devel or what not. I do not really think it has something to do with KISS. It is just existing Arch Developers have no interest upon.

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