Vote format

24 hours have passed since apps have opened, so it's time to vote on which player will become House Tully.


Player Application Link
Azor_Azhai (technically)
SnakeBite7 (Not serious)
UMMMMBERRRR (Umber, possibly not serious?)

My vote for this goes to AJ. If he can get passed the OOC stress of managing this type of region, which I think he can, he'll do a fine job.


Another vote needs to be had, and that's concerning Erin's request for a Direwolf to be introduced into her/Ned Stark's story. Her modmail here explains that she would only use it for lore purposes, but of course this is a direwolf and will have an effect on stuff such as plots, regardless of whether she says it won't now. Consider things such as the fact Direwolves have been extinct south of the wall for many years, but we've had resurrection, men riding boars and all manner of strange things. It could add to the story and excitement of the realm, and of course the Stark's sigil is the direwolf. It may also lead to a slew of requests, but I would suggest taking them on a case by case basis.

My vote for this is yes, on the condition we hold the right to curtail/cancel the direwolf is it becomes a problem or gets abused.

/r/AgentWyoming Thread