To vote in Ohio's primary on May 8, voters must be registered no later than April 9, which is tomorrow. If you are 17, but will be 18 by the general election in November, you are eligible to vote in the primary. To register, vote, click this link or go here:

Well for one Im a conservative. I want a small Federal government with fewer regulations on businesses since my family owns a small shop.

The tax cuts were great for the middle class. I know my mom and dad are taking in more money because of that.

The economy is doing much better for my family over the last year, it seems more people are out spending their money.

I believe we should be following the already existing immigration laws. That has improved since Trump took office.

There have been no major conflicts with other countries since Trump took office and it appears no new bullshit wars will be started.

Im also very pro 2nd amendment and the way liberals talk about taking away some of our 2nd amendment rights, its scary.

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