Voting Sherman in means his 1mil + shares remain locked up

The way I see it is for the squeeze its better to vote him on, not that i would matter all that much if we have him off cause enough DD says we own the float multiple times, letting him go prolongs the inevitable and drags this out for longer. So for the sake of "big tendies fast" voting him on its better in this scenario.

For the future of the company its better to vote him off. I do not see him fit to do anything in the pivotal change Gamestop is gonna make. Every BOD and C-suite should have a crucial role in the transformation otherwise its just dead weight at this point and I just don't see it for a B&M kinda executive. Past performances (eventhough he did a fantastic job in the pandemic) shouldn't be a guarantee to stay on board the way i see it. So for the sake of "big tendies slow" voting him off is better for the sake of the future of the company.

either way we are getting our tendies. its inevitable at this point.

/r/Superstonk Thread