VR is more convenient than real life and will take over leisure activities

The only thing I can agree with is movies, and MAYBE sports (even for sports though, I'd say VR would only replace nosebleed tickets, lowerbowl/front row I think I'd rather be there). VR isn't replacing physical contact with a person. Already when I'm going out to eat at a restaurant or going to an arcade or something, I'm accepting the fact that I could have had an objectively better gaming experience or meal at home, but I still rather do it outside because I want to physically be there with someone. Concerts also can't be replaced. Part of the appeal (for me anyway) is the atmosphere in the venue itself, which can never be replicated in VR like it is in real life. Clubs is the silliest example lol. I'm sorry but the only person who would rather go to a "VR club" is someone who doesn't go to clubs anyway, so the market demand would remain the same.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread