VT - Potential sexism in the workplace

15+ 1. Yes 2. Brenda's supervisor stated pregnancy would affect her work negatively. 3. Brenda had not quit yet, but had stated her intention to quit with 1/15 being her last day. She had no intention of sticking around after her termination date. Many employers "require" a "two weeks notice" despite there being no legal requirement to do so. For this business, it's considered unprofessional to not submit a notice and would negatively affect references. 4. Thank you, we weren't sure if it would be considered sexism or not by itself. Charlie does not typically make comments like above in regards to men, seems to be specifically women there seems to be a prejudice against.

Charlie submitted Brenda's PTO without Brenda's knowledge. This was a step towards termination. Vermont requires leftover PTO accrued to be paid out upon termination.

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