Vyvanse and hyper-sexuality

I'm taking vyvanse, 30mg.

I was an addict, masterbating up to 3 hours nonstop, up to 6-8 times a day for almost 5 years (revently)

I was a wreck, didn't know I had adhd at the time. I still have the impulse to jack off every day, whenever I go to the bathroom, or get a little bit overly stressed... it was a escape mechanism for me, but when I started taking vyvanse this year, even though I still have the urges, I simply tell myself no, and I need to do other things.

The idea that medicine will stop these urges is a fairy tail, medication simply allows me to control and ground myself with what I truly want to do

However, if I take medication and start masterbating... I'll stay there for an hour, or longer.

Just take your medication with a purpose

/r/ADHD Thread