W&L Law Will Not Charge an Application Fee This Cycle

They're desperate to get their enrollment back to their 2012 figure of 187 students.




Average indebtedness of 2017 graduates who incurred law school debt was $98,512.




Consider their enrollment figures since 2012.


In 2012, their enrollment was 187 students.


In 2013, their enrollment was 111 students.


In 2014, their enrollment was 101 students.


In 2015, their enrollment was 119 students.


In 2016, their enrollment was 117 students.


In 2017 their enrollment was 164 students.


If they maintained their 2012 enrollment figures, they would have had 1,122 students in 6 years. Instead, their enrollment figures account for 799 students or a difference of 323 students.


Assuming no deflation you can do simple math and multiply 98,512 by 323.


This number equates to $31,819,376.


Washington and Lee have not charged an application fee since at least 2011 according to the ABA reports.


Assuming they charged Duke's $70 application fee, Washington and Lee lost the equivalent of 454,562 applications.

/r/lawschooladmissions Thread