(w)Any heady rigs for about $200 out there? I know cheap but it's what I can afford and I live a hard lifestlye. (h) PayPal

Omfg. If you have a $200 piece you're going to probably do ok... I don't know what you mean by hard lifestyle. But if you throw your shit around and treat it like garbage... then cool... spend less and get 2? But jesus people. A $200 thing you smoke out of getting so much shit... it's embarrassing. I appreciate nice pieces... and the shame put on only spending $200 is sad. And privileged as fuck. There are brands that are good quality and not from China... God forbid...

If you have $200 to spend on a fucking bong or rig, then you can get whatever you want. Most people need that for food or rent or their tent. Check out some websites... I have a few Dimond pieces that are thick as fuck. But eww... they were like maybe $300? I got one today that was $99. It needs to go.

Yeah I think you all are snobs. I'm gonna make my way to the door. My $100 to $600 pieces need to get sorted out... I don't want to be like a bum and smoke out of the China glass either... yuck.

/r/GlassSales Thread