WackyJacky gives his thoughts on bot implementation

I’ve been playing shooters since 2001 and quake had some good bots. Now I’m here in 2020 scratching my head how they fucked up player skilled based match making so new players don’t get fucked for 3 months just to know how to maneuver and shoot. Would you like to play a game where you need to invest that much time just to have fun? No, but put noobs ( and I mean that I’m a good way) together to help them get beter and slowly ease them in with beter players would have fixed the state pubg is in now. But that’s hindsight not guess like 2 years ago. Now I’m looting and getting annoyed over two bots fighting 50 meters or 150 feet away in a endless battle muffling all the sound of the actual human with me. I’m drunk and ranting.

Quake had some epic bots.

/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS Thread Parent Link - clips.twitch.tv