WAGES! How much do you make?

I work in web development in the UK, I could probably be earning double what I am but I work for a charity and it’s a pretty easy going job so I’m reluctant to change.

5 years experience £30k a year for a 37.5 hour week though in reality I spend way fewer hours than that actually working. I think that’s about £16 an hour before tax. Once taxes, student loan payments etc come off it’s more like £12.

Does feel like low pay when I put it like that but it’s enough for me to get by on and it’s a sweet gig really. Mostly roll out of bed at 9:59, work from home for a few hours and clock off by about 4. No one knows or complains if I treat a WFH day as basically a day off so long as I get the work done.

/r/antiwork Thread