The wail of a homeless man whose dog got taken away by animal welfare activists

I never claimed to be defending the activists, if anything I was just playing devil's advocate. I don't know if he should or shouldn't have his pup taken from him, hence why didn't say one way or another. I only pointed out that if he couldn't take care of his pup adequately, he shouldn't own a pet. That goes for literally everyone, animal rights advocates included.

Just speculation, but think about this: What if the pup got really injured or sick? There's no way the man could pay for a vet visit or medicine. He probably wouldn't even be able get to a vet in a timely manner. If he's homeless there's a good chance he can't regularly feed himself, let alone a growing pup too. Not to mention the lack of an actual house and warmth. The pup would more than likely almost always be exposed to the elements. This is no way to raise a small, baby animal. I get that pups are real cute, and that ARA's make everyone online perpetually angered, but we're really not the bad guys here. But, I will admit that they really could've done a much better and more legal way of going about this. By acting so headstrong they make the whole movement look bad.

You have an amazing day too, bud.

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